Our Ad Acceptance Policy — The Local Paper requires complete contact information for every ad published in print and online. ALL ADS ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL.
The Local Paper publishes in print every Wednesday. The Local Paper is staffed between 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. • The deadline for submitting print classified advertisements via the web is 12:00/Noon on Fridays. The deadline for display advertisements is noon on Thursdays. Please click here, for a list of contacts.
Please check your ad on the first day of publication. If an error occurs, contact The Local Paper for correction as soon as possible. The Local Paper will not be responsible for errors after the first day an ad publishes. We will be responsible only to the extent of the cost of an ad for the first day’s insertion; we will provide an extra insertion for an ad that must be corrected. • The Local Paper reserves the right to edit, reclassify, revise, or reject any classified advertisement deemed offensive to its readers or suspected of being illegal, immoral, unethical or not meeting the standards of The Local Paper. • The Local Paper reserves the right to cancel any advertisement at any time. • Common abbreviations are accepted. • The Local Paper is not liable for failure to publish an ad. • The Local Paper abides by the law regarding equal housing opportunity. No housing ad may discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin. • The Local Paper will not knowingly publish advertising that injures or discriminates.
Payment Instructions — • ALL web advertising placements must be prepaid • The City and Borough of Ketchikan requires a 6.5 percent sales tax on all ads. If you are a local senior citizen who is tax exempt you will have to place your ad in person.